Growing up, I always had a table right in front of the door when I entered into the house, and I would put my keys on it. At my old apartment, the kitchen was right next to the door. Now, I have nothing near my door! So I need a keychain holder of some sorts. For my first try, I placed some command hooks on my command center. It was nice, but it was kind of far from the door (I know its only two steps, but thats really far when you are carrying a lot of stuff).
Then, I started thinking about what I really wanted. I knew I needed something to hold my keys, but I really didn't need it to hold much else because I had the command center right around the corner. I went to Michael's for some inspiration. I found a wooden plaque for about $1.00 and I picked up some gold hooks that are perfect for hanging keys for around $1.50. I knew I had some pretty acrylic paint and a picture frame hanger set at home so nothing else was needed. This meant a grand total of $3.00 for my keychain holder!
Next thing I had to do was paint and build it!
Here are my supplies:
Here are my supplies:
Acrylic Paint
Wooden Plaque
Hooks (Could use Command Hooks instead)
Blue Painter's Tape
Sawtooth Hanger with nails
I first began by painting a white base coat. I put two coats down since I wanted white in my pattern.
Then I created the chevron pattern with my blue painters tape. Press down firmly on all edges! I forgot to do that and the paint bled through!
I attached a Sawtooth Hanger to the back so I could hang it. When I first started hanging stuff, I went to my local Home Depot and bought a picture hanging kit (like the one found here). It is AWESOME. It has all of the basics that I need, including the sawtooth hanger.
Then, I attached the hooks. If you are like me and you need a little help, take a nail and hammer and start a hole. Then, you just screw them in by hand. I chose to do three. Three just sounded like a good number.
All that was left to do was to hang it up! Doesn't it look wonderful?
It is just so girly and perfect. I love it so much and I can't believe I only spent $3 for all of it!