Tuesday, July 1, 2014

DIY Wine Shelf and Bar

I finally live in an apartment where I have room for a bar! AHHHH. So excited you guys. I have been trying to think of what I would want to do, and I finally decided to mimic an idea Jen from IHeart Organizing used (Cutest blog in the world if you ever need to be inspired). She used an IKEA Lack Shelf and some wine glass holders she found on Amazon and created her own wine glass storage! See it here.  Inspired by that, I went to IKEA and bought a shelf. While I was there, I found a lovely wine rack! I was so excited because it would fit perfectly on the shelf.

Then, I tricked my dad into coming and helping me install it. We followed the instructions and drew some very level lines. After that. there was some drilling and such.Before we put the shelf up we made holes for the wine rack using the drill. I was hoping to spray paint it and then put it up later on. However, I did a quick test and noticed that normal wine glasses don't fit on the wine rack. ARGH. So, I ordered these off of Amazon. I bought two and used the original holes my dad created. It makes me so happy now! My apartment is finally coming together. I just used a bookshelf I had found at Nadeau for my "bar" and put the shelf above it. Here is the bar view:

And here is a view of it standing a little farther back. I know I said it before, but isn't it pretty? I just need to order one more wine rack to go in between the two already in there and I think it will be done!

Image Map

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